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Why is Trump's Approval Rating Going up?

Photo of President Trump.

Trump's approval rating, known for breaking records in the most horrendous of styles, is going up and leaving many people asking why. Since his inauguration, Trump has struck a fantastically low approval rating of only 32% according to most sources, and 29% on our own polls conducted by the Mount Royal Times.

It's a historic low, and in fact is the lowest any president has ever hit. And don't forget, it includes two presidents who were impeached and one who resigned.

Even Trump supporters and right-wing media sources like Fox News have been questioning Trump's ridiculous approval ratings, but in different ways than most. As it began to go up, hitting around 40% recently according to most polls, Trump expressed his excitement.

The president isn't a stranger to flaunting his numbers when possible. And when it is possible, he's always promoted himself via Twitter or other sources, even in speeches. However, sometimes his gloating turns for the worst.

Only a short while ago, the president boasted about 'fake news' sources like left-leaning companies such as CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post and so many others reporting his low approval rating when one right-leaning source showed 50%. Only one week after his famous tweet-promo, that same source dipped dramatically.

This week, polls from Quinnipiac, Gallup Polls and CNN Polls have shown Trump's hit of 40%, his highest rating in around 7 months.

According to this CNN article, 51% say they approve of Trump's handling of the economy, 70% say the economy is in good or excellent shape, 75% have positive views of their own financial situations, and 48% say Trump is responsible for the economic state.

One major reason for the quick incline for Trump's approval rating could be the recent success in terms of the GOP's tax reform bill, of which does (generally) give back to most American families. Although temporary, they've got their vote for now.

In terms of Trump's handling of the taxes, 45% of voters approve. Right before the GOP passed the tax bill, that number was 10% lower at 35% approval. The tax bill itself has been getting more and more popular, it's own approval going from 26% to 39% recently.

The GOP approval rating, of which has been catastrophically low since Trump took office (with the lowest we've record being at only 11% approval) has gone up too following the tax bill success, going from 24% before to 32% after. It's still too low to consider normal.

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