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After Calling For Unity, Trump Calls Dems 'Treasonous'

PHOTO: Owned by NPR.

Days after calling for unity with Democrats during his State of the Union speech, President Trump has referred to the Dems as 'un-American' and 'treasonous' during a speech in Cincinnati, where he prasised the economy as the markets plummeted.

Although many of his supporters, including most Republican lawmakers, defended his speech's message of unity, saying they truly believed the President wants unity with the Democrats in order to pass key figures, he's contradicted himself yet again.

As he spoke live in Cincinnati, our team was working to find the quote of which Trump called for unity during his #SOTU speech not a while ago. Here's the comparison:

During the State of the Union address, President Trump called for the 'new American movement' of unity, instead of division. Hoping Democrats would join him to deliver the "unity we need to deliver for the people who we were elected to serve."

Now, later on, he said that the Democrat's response to his State of the Union speech, which traditionally isn't pleasent from the opposing side of the aisle, was 'un-American', going as far as calling it 'treasonous'.

What he meant was that the Dems' refusal to stand as he gestured them to do so many times throughout the speech, and their refusal to clap or show enthusiam as he spoke about his many successes or even his call for unity, wasn't to be appreciated.

Trump also mentioned his sentiment of thanks to one Democratic man who clapped when Trump mentioned the lowing African-unemployement rate.

He said the Democrat wasn't exactly clapping enthusiastically, but was 'putting his hands together'. Somewhat sarcastically, Trump said he wanted to find out who the man was so he can 'send him a letter of thanks' for clapping.

The Cincinnati speech, just recently, shows yet another side to Trump's false sentiments during his teleprompter-speeches of which are clearly not written by him and do not reflect his actual feelings. We saw this many times, including with his response to the Charlottesville white supremacy massacre.

In my opinion, Trump can't get his thoughts out there without someone telling him to quiet down. It's clear he's got someone filtering what he says, and often times it doesn't work. We've been proven this many times.

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