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North Korean missile launch proves new advances in their programs

A nation destined in the murder of American citizens is continuously expanding a program that may aid in their attempt to destroy an American city of their choice. Political and military analysts concluded this on the Mount Royal Times: North Korea is no longer a joke, and something must be done.

Since Donald Trump has taken office, North Korea (the DPRK) has conducted 23 missile tests. This doesn't include their nuclear bomb tests. And all 23 tests were met with a war of words by Trump, but little action.

Though Trump has publicly stated he does not believe diplomatic solutions are still available when dealing with North Korea's nuclear threat, he hasn't done anything else to prove to American citizens that he has intentions to terminate the situation another way. For example, a preemptive military strike on the DPRK.

A preemptive strike on North Korea would trigger an array of problems and issues for the U.S., let alone the fact they'd almost directly be met with a North Korean nuclear response. It is against US policy to strike with a nuke first, according to the UN.

So for the United States to engage in nuclear war, they'd have to be either attacked or almost attacked first. A preemptive strike has been defined by our analysts as an attempt to bomb nuke-making facilities, nuke-testing grounds, and nuke-shielding bunkers as well as trying to cyber-war triggering the nukes the DPRK possesses.

This is extremely difficult, and dangerous. Doing any of this would instantly be recognized by the US government, NK government, the United Nations, NATO, the European Union, Japan, South Korea and virtually all other nations in the world as an act of war by the US upon the North Korean government.

According to NATO's guidelines, the members of the alliance are not obligated to join a war unless their ally is attacked first. This means that a huge array of issues would rise within NATO of who would join, and who wouldn't, on the side of America. It's highly unlikely countries like Canada, the United Kingdom or France wouldn't join, though.

Meanwhile in Asia, Japan and South Korea would nearly instantly need to join the war in effort to help the US terminate the nuclear threat before Kim Jong Un could use it to his advantage in order to kill millions in the two countries.

The US territories of Guam and Mariana Islands would be placed under extreme alert as North Korea's nuclear threat would never be higher. The US military would aim to target and kill the DPRK's leader in effort to stall the country's war rhetoric of defense for the government and dictatorship of the nation. This would be difficult.

China's government would be faced with huge disturbances. Would it join in to defend their first-struck ally of North Korea, or their biggest trading partner of America. Both could end in catastrophe, but it's unlikely they'd remain neutral.

If China joins on support of their ally, a World War Three can seem almost imminent if not already declared. All of China's allies would be asked to join to defend the nation in retaliation against America's war efforts in North Korea and the Chinese mainland. These nations include Russia, the second strongest nation in the world.

If China joins on support of America, other allies of the country would likely abandon their alliances following China's abandonment of North Korea. Choosing a trade ally instead of a military ally in the case of war would wreck their reputation. The third strongest country in the world would be a target by virtually every other nation in the top 10 other than Russia and it's allies.

This is all speculation - but almost obviously the route the world is going down. If the US avoids a preemptive strike, but North Korea strikes first anyways, it's likely China would stay out of it. For Russia on the other hand, we don't know. This is because NATO members would almost entirely join, including the Baltic states.

Either way, we can almost confirm war is on it's way. The new missile test proves North Korea's military programs are expanding beyond belief. Analysts in other news agencies confirmed that the DPRK might obtain a nuke possible of striking Washington DC and all of the continental US within 2018.

Meanwhile, the DPRK claims their missiles are capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. They also claim they will attack Guam, Mariana Islands, Alaska, Hawaii and the West Coast of the US. Their main goal, however, is Washington DC.

The new unidentified ICBM launched by North Korea was the first since September, the Pentagon and South Korean officials confirmed. It is also the first North Korean missile to fly so high in the air, meaning their capabilities have been enhanced.

North Korean officials confirmed the launch flew for 53 minutes and was not shot down. It was believed to have been launched from a new launch site. They stated that it would not be wrong for everyone to believe a nuclear test was on it's way.

Meanwhile, analysts confirmed that a war would be an appropriate response should North Korea's next nuke test be attached to an ICBM and explode over International waters. It could be seen as the last accepted provocation before a war outbreak.

The US President Donald Trump responded to the missile launch with a simple "All I can tell you guys is that it will be handled," which was seen by reporters and journalists as an awkwardly vague response to a terrifying missile test. Unlike his other responses, including his threat to bring "fire and fury" to North Korea's "rocket man".

Whether or not Trump is being quiet on this matter because the US is planning, alongside South Korea and Japan, a military response instead of yet another sanction is unconfirmed though very speculated.

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