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Tillerson: NK a 'state sponsor of terror' to increase diplomatic pressure

The US secretary of state has just addressed the nation's recent legislation that has declared North Korea's regime and government a state sponsored terrorist group. The country has had this label from the US in the past, but former Republican President Bush removed the label back in 2008.

According to the US secretary of state, the new declaration of them being a terror group has followed Trump's announcement that sanctions are going to be introduced shortly, holding up a two week period of negotiations. Trump said they'd be the strongest yet.

The act comes in effort to once again continue pressuring the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to begin denuclearizing in reference to North Korea as they continue to try and develop nuclear capabilities and warheads that can reach the US mainland.

Trump said that they must become lawful, and must take moves to end their nuclear efforts and threats to the U.S., he had also said that NK would be met with "fire and fury" if they continue their nuclear efforts a few months ago.

This sparred controversy as the US Top generals and military officials announced that they would refuse any Trump remarks and orders to preliminary attack and spark a war with North Korea, specifically referring to whether or not they'd allow a nuclear order by Trump deemed illegal as officials said Trump was too 'mentally unstable' to decide.

Rex Tillerson is known for sparking some conflict with the President over the responses to the North Korean regime, and the Syrians. Tillerson has been quite angry with Trump's stark remarks and threats to the North Koreans provoking a 'war of words' a few weeks ago; saying diplomatic solutions are a route the US should continue on.

Tillerson now saying that the country being declared a state sponsored terror group does not mean that diplomatic solutions are not still plausible, however stated that it is in accordance to put even more diplomatic pressure on the regime.

Within the past while, North Korea has refrained from threatening the US specifically avoiding nuclear or missile tests within the nation. This can mean two things; either they are first-hand witnessing the effects of American pressure and do not want to spark another war of words and arguments, or they are planning something much larger.

Tillerson made reference to North Korea's calm during his address, saying that it may have connections and might be the outcome of the American diplomatic pressure. This after Trump denied that diplomatic solutions were still possible on his Twitter account, consistently saying "only one thing would work" - referring to military options.

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